A visit through Dads life (via my youth) in his beloved Evesham, in a few simple pictures!

Created by kevinmytton 8 years ago
From his base in Swan Lane, right by the bane of his life the Christian centre - LOL. You would find Dad simply a few yards down the road at The Then Golden Heart Pub with Pat and Esther making his dinner and dad supping on Brew x1........I would often find him there when I had ran out of money at the Arcade! Packed off with £2 and my £5 wages from working at the Onion packing - child labour!!!

The weekend would see a trip to the George and Dragon, the Saturday nights would be dad chatting up Suzi at the local Chinese, she had patience of a saint for years dad used to flirt with her and her husband came to even love him (after some scary moments!!) it maybe here my love of bowls came as dad would pack me of into the skittle alley with the oldies while he played dominoes and crib....

When you couldn't find him, usually most Sunday's he would be at the Angel or The bear. As time went on Dad became a local celebrity, everyone knew him for one reason or another and I would often walk over the bridge to canal and some Gypsy lad would say 'TEZ IS IN THE DRAGON KID'.....saved me a walk!!!! then I also became a custom to Esther and Pats hospitality at the Golden Heart. There was not a gypsy or traveller in Evesham that didn't know dad, it is no mistake he managed to stay in one piece all the time as they truly had his back. I remember seeing one chap literally airlifted by Tommy (who had 16 kids) in the golden heart for spitting on dads feet, he was winding him up tbf but tommy literally waved his arm next thing 2 lads (his sons) swept this guy off his feet - we never saw him again! they were grateful as dad employed them all and gave them a living and they worked hard for him, in return he was literally untouchable in Evesham no matter what he did!!

say what you like and judge hoe you want about Dads drinking, he was happy as a pig in s-it and a lot of people loved him in Evesham not least suzi at the Chinese and pat and Esther.

sadly all good things come to an end but what we will forever know is it was Evesham that kept him together, and what great Memories :)))